The Dynacord CMS 2200-3 is the flagship of the new CMS3 range of passive mixers by Dynacord. The CMS or Compact Mixing System, are a range of mixers that offer professional components and features for people needing a reliable mixer that can handle any gig. The CMS 2200-3 sits at the top of the range over the CMS1600 and CMS1000. It has a total of 22 mic inputs which makes the desk perfect for most large scale events. Like the other mixers in the range, it has a total of 6 Aux busses. Two are designed to the two effects devices, 2 can be configured as either monitor or effects sends and two are designed as monitor sends that are equipped with sweepable anti-feedback filters.
The Dynacord CMS2200-3 mixing desk also has a digital USB 2.0 audio interface built in. The USB 2.0 port serves as a digital audio interface between the CMS3 and a PC or Mac. Four channels can be transmitted in either direction simultaneously. This interface can therefore be used either for the input of audio signals (e.g. for playback or interval music) or else for live- or studio-recording applications. It is configured by selecting the relevant setting in the menu. For the use of the CMS3 with a PC or Mac, a free Cubase LE license as well as the requisite USB drivers are included free-of-charge on the supplied DVD
With the CMS (Compact Mixing Systems) series, DYNACORD is known as on of the class leading manufactures of compact live audio mixing consoles.The CMS2200-3-24 is a 24 channel compact mixing consoles with 6 routing groups, 6 AUX groups, a integrated 24 bit high class effect engine and an onboard USB audio AD/DA audio interface.
18x mic/line Inputs + 4x mic/stereo line Inputs
3-Band EQ with para. Mids and Voicing Filter
6 AUX Sends
Mute and PFL Functions
7-band Main EQ
XLR Outputs
Lamp socket (4 pol XLR)
USB audio interface (for recording and streaming)
55 W/ 60 W Mixer
22 kanaler
18 mic/line og 4 stereo inputs
Digital USB 2.0 Audio Interface11-bånds equalizer og OLED display